The Beckett Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies & The Unnamable

Author(s): Samuel Beckett Company: Gare St Lazare Ireland Running time: 3h approx

The three novels, Molloy, Malone Dies & The Unnamable, written at the same time as Waiting for Godot, made up what the writer considered his “Important work”. Acclaimed actor Conor Lovett and award-winning director Judy Hegarty Lovett give life to each of these novels.

In Molloy, a man recounts his effort to visit his aging mother. En route, he is arrested for indecently resting and encounters an old woman and her dog with dire consequences.

Malone Dies begins with the narrator Malone on his deathbed, telling himself stories as he bides his time. He finally hits on a character, McMann, whose story involving an asylum, a lunatic nurse and an Easter Sunday outing to the islands, resulting in a bloodbath worthy of a Tarantino movie.

The Unnamable dispenses with story entirely as the nameless narrator tries to make sense of his existence. The novel ends with Beckett’s famous lines, “I can’t go on, I must go on, I’ll go on.”


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